Thursday, April 9, 2009


Today I finished Fablehaven 4. I read a lot of it waiting in a dentist chair for 2 hours. Then, after that, I had planned all sorts of stuff I wanted to do, but it was to late. The book got me.

Books capture me for different reasons. Great writing like "The Road" made me believe it was truly happening, and that scared and depressed me. Amazing stories like "Pendragon" and "The Hunger Games" make me wish it was really happening. Fun voice like "Leven Thumps" and "A Series of Unfortunate Events" entertain me too much to stop.

Fablehaven has a great story and is really fun, but the best thing for me is the characters.

I don't want to believe some of the things that happened in this book. When my little band of heroes felt there was no hope, I lost hope too. When they were betrayed, I felt betrayed. These are real emotions, so real that I am effected by them long after I stop reading. So if I seem a little upset sometimes, its probably because one of my friends in a book did something.

Not only was this book the best in the series so far (each book is better than the last) it was also a little more advanced and gruesome than I would expect for a kids book. Granted, those parts weren't too detailed, but it was using words I didn't even know. (Megalith? What the..?!)

I'm sad I wont be around when the final book is published, but it will be one of the first I read when I get home. I expected big things from this book and its author (judging by the title), and I wasn't disappointed. My heart was pounding 'til the last page. I need to shake this mans hand. If only I could get up the courage to knock on his door or say something to him in church. (refer to post "Best Day Ever!")

Books are my friends. They always will be.

P.S. Turns out a megalith is a large stone which has been used to construct a structure or monument, either alone or together with other stones.


  1. Aww yeah! Until books betray you. When they come alive. On the apocalypse.

  2. books are your only friends, succor!

  3. how was meeting the author?!
