Monday, November 15, 2010

We Will Get Along

So we had to drive to Regina to drop off Elder Mitton and to pick up Elder Stokes. The roads were SO bad. I dont know why, but that always seems to happen when we have to drive in. There was an ice storm that morning in Melville and a snow storm in Regina. We had to chip off half an inch of ice from out windshield before we could even leave.

So, somewhere along the road, the two storms met, and it was just chaos. We were stuck behind a snow plow going 30ks for about 30 min... ahh! But we made it alive.

But on our way back... no so lucky...................... We died..

no, just kidding. But we did get stuck.. our front right tire caught the side of a snow bank and it just pulled us right off the road. I tried to avoid it, but the car didnt want to turn. So we went in. It actually wasn't bad. It was just like parking on the side of the road. Very smooth. And we weren't even that far off. But there was no way we were getting back.

Luckily we were only about 30 min out of Regina, and we still had service. We had to wait about 2 hrs for the ZLs to come pull us out with their truck. But the tire pressure on our front right was really low. So we decided not to continue. And we headed back to regina.

Walmart said their was no leak... but it was still leaking.. (idiots) So we didnt drive back. that night.

I got to see Sister Horning and Elder Christensen because we met the other missionaries being transfered. It was great.

The next morning.. our tired had stopped leaking. So... We drove home.

Well we stopped in Fort Qu'Appelle (which is about 45 min from Melville) to check our tire, and it was still fine. So we kept going.... It wasnt until we got back that Elder Stokes realized he didnt have the phone...

He dropped it in the snow in Fort Qu'Appelle... AHHH!! They told us they would send us a new phone.. it would be 75 bucks each... yeah right!

We asked Prez Harrold if he would drive us to Fort Qu'Appelle to see if we could find it. He did. And not only that he bought us doughnuts and hot chocolate! He is a great man.

And we found the phone. great!

But thats not all. We went tracting in Yorkton. It was about 7:00, so pretty dark. And as we are walking around.. this cop car pulls up. The guy gets out of his car and comes right up to us. "Are you the ones knocking on peoples doors and ringing their doorbells?" "....yes...." "Come have a seat." He has us sit on a bench for a while. he sees our tags and our ties and we show him our license and our ministerial certificate. Then he is all nice to us and says "I dont think many B&E's wear white shirts and ties."

He was actually pretty funny. He let us sit in the back of his cop car. He told us that some one called the cops on us. Jerks... But thats the first time that has ever happened on my mission. After he said. "Im not gonna tell you to stop.. because its your job and you have the right." it was great.

So... Crazy. And all in the first couple days...

Whats in store..

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